Very little grows on jagged rock.
Be ground. Be crumbled,
so wild flowers will come up where you are.
You have been stony for too many years.
Try something different.

~ Rumi

I offer sessions in-person in Hamilton, ON, and online through video calls. Let’s work together!

How Do Elemental Rituals Work?

By tapping into what’s going on around and within you, we’ll work together to find the right reflection prompts, exercises, and personalized rituals to hold your Body, Heart, and Spirit with what’s needed. Together we’ll delve deep into intuitive processes so you can learn to hear your Internal Messages.

Elemental Ritual with hands dropping flowers in a bowl. Myriam Khouzam

Throughout my life, I’ve navigated what seems like an incessant current of change, loss, and transition. There have been tiny ripples, like new jobs or changing neighbourhoods. There have also been tidal waves of heartbreak, closing studios, losing loved ones, and starting again at ground zero. So. Many. Times.

And the only thing I can say with certainty is that I don’t ever really know what’s coming next, even (and especially) when I think I know…

But no matter how uncomfortable they’ve gotten, I’m grateful for these changes. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity (or been forced!) to befriend change. And the more I allow for it, the more I deepen my understanding of the beauty and chaos of impermanence.

God knows we’ve all had our fair share of unknowns lately. The World has felt unpredictable and tumultuous. And though change can be harrowing and heartbreakingly overwhelming, it can also feel exhilarating and promising.

When we surrender to change and to the unknown, we learn that impermanence can also bring relief. The end of something (extraordinary or turbulent) inevitably means the beginning of something else. Endings come with the knowing that sorrow leads to wisdom if we make room for it. They come with substantial doses of sadness and immeasurable bounties of gratitude. They teach us to trust our own strength, resilience, and courage.

Looking for group Ceremonies and Rituals?

Through Seed to Spirit, Max Demian Carillo and I facilitate powerful ways to reconnect with the inherent Sacredness of our relationships with Nature and each other.

We provide Ceremonies and Rituals that encourage people to step into their unique gifts and talents, so that we may, together and individually, better serve the World.